Ireland Reference Desk

Total records: 64

Your Guide to Adult Education and Evening Classes in Ireland. operates The National Education Database - we list every course in Ireland. Find Computer Training, Language courses, Distance Learning, Health & Wellbeing, Professional Bodies and more.

Project Maths

We are the team of experienced teachers of mathematics recruited to provide professional development support to post-primary teachers of mathematics across the country as part of Project Maths.

Quality and Qualifications Ireland

QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) is a state agency established by the Quality Assurance and Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 2012 with a board appointed by the Minister for Education and Skills.

Ryan Institute

Ryan Institute for Environmental, Marine and Energy Research at the National University of Ireland, Galway, was formed in 2010 as a result of the strategic merger between the Environmental Change Institute and the Martin Ryan Institute for Marine Science.

Sacred Heart Senior National School

Sacred Heart Senior National School first opened its doors in 1977. At the moment there are about 285 boys and girls, from third to sixth class. We are located at the foot of the Dublin Mountains, in Tallaght, which is about eight miles from Dublin City Centre.

Ireland's top site for parenting and school resources through pre-school, primary and secondary years. Resources for parents, parents associations, teachers and schools.


Welcome to ScoilNet, Irelands official education portal, an online support service. ScoilNet will act as a resource regarding the provision of information, advice and support to schools on Schools IT 2000 and also on educational ICTs issues generally

State Examinations Commission

This website is designed to provide useful information on the examinations system to candidates, parents, teachers, school personnel and indeed anyone with an interest in the Irish State Examinations system.

Study Notes

Free revision notes and other helpful resources to aid students in learning for their exams. A smarter, fun, community based site to get help and to help others to learn and study for exams. Made especially for Leaving certificate and Junior certificate students and teachers.


Leaving Cert and Junior Cert exam paper questions and marking schemes listed by topic. Studyclix makes exam revision and study easier